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Managem your shcools

barnaamijkan aqoon wade waxa uu kaa caawinaya in aad school lo badan aad ku maamusho.

online classes

macalinku waxa uu awood uyeelanayaa in uu ardayda uugu dhigo casharaantooda si online ah


sidoo kale waalidiintu waxa ay awood uleeyihiin in ay log in ku yeeshan si ay ula socdaan ardaydooda

benefits of online learning

Work from anywhere, at any time

This is the most appealing benefit of online education for students with many duties to balance. Since everything is available online, accessing class materials and submitting work is very convenient.

Review lectures instantly

it’s easy for minds to wander during a lecture. University of California psychologist Jonathan Schooler found that students lose focus about 5 times in a 45-minute class session. In many online programs, however, students can review words from professors instantly, either by rewinding the audio or video or by reading the transcript that accompanies the lecture.

Focus on ideas

With an estimated 93 percent of communication being non-verbal, online students don’t have to worry about body language interfering with their message. While body language can be effective sometimes, academics are more about ideas, and online education eliminates physical judgments that can cloud rational discussion

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